Welcome: Has the Cash Flow Underwriting Era Arrived?
State of the American Consumer & Credit Performance
What does the economic cycle tell us about consumer credit today? What do consumer cash flows look like? How are consumers using credit in the U.S. and what product trends are we seeing? What unique borrower opportunities exist amidst a backdrop of economic expectations?

Collin Galster
Nova Credit

Ashwin Adarkar
Senior Partner
McKinsey & Company

Dave Wasik
2nd Order Solutions
Gaps in the Current Credit System
While significant progress has been made over the last decade, some significant challenges persist in enabling credit access for millions in underserved segments. This session will focus on addressing the gaps in traditional credit data and exploring innovations like cash flow underwriting to enhance financial inclusion, with panelists reflecting on the progress, challenges, and opportunities in achieving financial equity.

Jennifer Tescher
President & CEO
Financial Health Network

Manolo Sanchez
Board Member

Mike Shepard
SVP, Head of Consumer Lending Partnerships
U.S. Bank
A Look Into Open Banking Policies in Action After 1033
As Section 1033 takes hold, we’ll speak with the CFPB about the upcoming impact of the regulation, unearthing expectations around compliance with the policies and understanding their vision for the future of open banking in the U.S.

Tom Brown
Nyca Partners

John J. McNamara
Principal Assistant Director, Markets
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Safety & Soundness During Regulatory and Economic Shifts
What does a cash flow driven future mean for the health of the financial services industry? Drawing on extensive experience in the regulatory and compliance sector, Gene will explore the balance between accuracy and automation, a financial institutions' role in consumer education, the evolving role of credit scores and alternative data like cash flow underwriting within financial institutions, and the competitive risks of not adopting emerging financial technologies.

Penny Crosman
Executive Editor, Technology at American Banker

Eugene Ludwig
Former Comptroller
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Playing 3D Chess: Challenges with Attributes, Analytics, and Scores
How do cash flow analytics different from traditional credit processes? We will delve into the practical aspects of implementing cash flow-based scoring, comparing it with traditional credit scores, and offer guidance on deployment strategies, analytics in action, and decisioning processes. We will examine the necessary infrastructure and ROI education needed for successful implementation, addressing potential biases in scoring, and strategies for regulation of cash data.

Sarah Davies
Chief Analytics Officer

Brian Hughes
Fmr. Chief Risk Officer

Ash Gupta
Board Chairman
Corridor Platforms

Vishal Saxena
Head of Portfolio Analytics
The Cash Flow Journey: Key Applications to Get Started
With so many use cases, where do you begin? This session centers on the opportunities and challenges of implementing cash flow underwriting across various financial products, focusing on how to effectively apply cash data throughout the customer lifecycle. We’ll discuss strategies for initial applications, high-impact use cases, overcoming user experience and infrastructure hurdles, maximizing coverage and conversions, and explore some critical considerations for expanding beyond initial use cases.

Alex Johnson
Fintech Takes

Naga Parvatharajan

Tim Hong
Chief Product Officer
Deep Dives
Track One
Establishing a Credit Policy Using Cash Flow Underwriting
Dive into the world of consumer-permissioned data and how it is reshaping credit assessments. Panel will discuss how lenders can navigate the cold start problem, testing into the space, building versus partnering solutions, and the journey from early-stage implementation to long-term integration of cash flow data.

Peter Renton
CEO and Founder
Renton & Co LLC
Potential Panelists:

Nikki Cross
Senior Director of Data Science Solutions
Nova Credit

Richard Franks
Global Head of Risk Strategy

Nancy Berger
AVP, Credit Strategy and Administration
AT&T Services
Track Two
Steering Clear of Compliance Pitfalls
While cash flow underwriting may seem new, its foundations have been in practice for a number of years now. Join us for a dynamic session on the rules, regulations, and best practices of cash flow underwriting. Our panel of business, compliance and legal experts will share their insights on this evolving landscape. Discover how companies are overcoming the challenges and explore the future of cash flow underwriting in today's financial environment.

Ryan Nier
GC, Chief Compliance Officer, and Head of People
Nova Credit
Potential Panelists:

Anna Cottle
Product, Privacy & Regulatory Counsel
Nova Credit

Rebecca E. Kuehn
Hudson Cook, LLP

Jason Capehart
Head of Data Science & Machine Learning Engineering
Mission Lane
Open Banking in the US
With new regulations, data pipelines, and powerful analytic applications, the U.S. is entering a period of profound innovation that will create significant opportunities for consumers and lenders. We’ll discuss developing a robust partnered ecosystem involving both private and public entities, how suppliers and financial institutions are adapting to this transition, exploring the shift from competition to cooperation in an open banking ecosystem, the role of analytics and infrastructure in maintaining a competitive edge, and the future of consumer credit and AI-driven personalized financial tools.

Alex Johnson
Fintech Takes

Dan Pillemer
President & Chief Executive Officer

Matt Lattman
SVP, Card Acquisition Marketing
Discover Financial Services
The Future of Credit for Everyday People: What’s Next with Credit Karma
Consumer credit has undergone a paradigm shift over the last decade, largely in part to the success Credit Karma has had innovating new lending products and designing new digital customer experience. As affiliate marketplaces play an increasingly dominant role in customer acquisition for lenders, Misha will sit down with Kenneth, to delve into his learnings from years building CK, the opportunities and challenges he sees for lenders, as well as a view into the future of consumer credit products.

Misha Esipov
Co-founder & CEO
Nova Credit

Kenneth Lin
Intuit Credit Karma
Closing Remarks: Cash Flow Underwriting Era